Lindsay Lohan keeping it in the family
by Baby
'Lohanistic Behaviour'
Celebrity girl Lindsay Lohan is back in the news today with the rumour this time being about her warring parents finalising their divorce. Parents of the Lohan tribe Michael and Dina are both agreeing the settlement in court in New York where both were said to be satisfied with the outcome. Lindsay Lohans old man Papa Lohan is recently out of prison after charges of drink driving and fighting plus other things. There is still an ongoing custody battle over the other younger Lohan children in the family in a separate court case. I would suggest that the local welfare take those children and bring them up in 'The Projects' or other such area, they may have a better chance for the future etc. The thing is welfare workers think that a poor family experience is still better than a fantastic kids home! Those poor misguided fools. At this time the Mean Girls star Lohan was not available for any comment she at this time being otherwise engaged in rehab for: Now its multiple choice question time Q and A - Why is Lindsay in rehab? Is it 'A' - for depression or 'B' - for drugs or 'C' for drink Driving? Or maybe it's 'D' all three? Am I being cynical here? Don't you think there is definitely a pattern forming with the Lohans? Lindsay Lohan does not know how to behave and it is not really that surprising when you look at the behaviour of her father - celebrity hanger-on and loser that he is. Most kids look to adults as role models whom they will emulate so as to appear more mature.(For those of you reading in Hicksville emulate means to copy!). There is an old saying: "Behaviour breeds behaviour". The only issue with this 'Lohanistic' behaviour is that it stinks!. Maybe Lindsay Lohan and her family will all find God or something. Then again maybe Mel Gibson will be canonised by the Pope. Keep it up Lindsay Lohan and family, the rest use you as a measure on how not to behave. So being flame haired was not the only curse for poor old Lindsay Lohan, think of it this way - even with all the talent in the world what chance in life did she ever have with folks like this?